The Healing Power of Nature, Painting No. 35 by Swav

I had an interesting and challenging journey over the last few weeks, not the easiest one to be honest… I’ve got sick somehow, slept over 12 hours a day and wasn’t well enough to even publish a short post @wordpress challenge I was waiting for…

I feel much better now while typing these words and… I’d like to share something with you, the reader of this blog… to share the way as we all do with our dearest friend… It’s also a part of my wordpress challenge, to write a post at least once a week and make it a habit.

This journey has brought me some deep understandings about myself, the rhythm of life and also something which is all the time around us… The healing power of nature.

I did my best to follow on with my mountain walking as planned, not just to get fit the physical way but mainly spiritually. In many eastern cultures people believe that human body is the temple of our spirit, so in my own preference walking is the part of cleansing some stuff and also improving the qualities of life important to me, as my own choice.

During the process of painting, I felt deep inner pace and a strong connection to earth, a well grounded point of my existence, the journey of life and also the next chapters… Right after the first few moves of brush, I noticed that this painting will be connected somehow to the most inspiring bird I ever known, the one who travelled with me during the last few weeks, also helping out in transition from unknown into clear understanding of what is going on.

It’s a great feeling to get along with the nature’s flow… wake up in the morning by the song of birds… instead of alarm clock 🙂

Thank you for reading this post and have a great time, because summer is definitely on the way 🙂

The Healing Power of Nature, Painting No. 35 by Swav

15 thoughts on “The Healing Power of Nature, Painting No. 35 by Swav

  1. I like the painting. It is joyful, lively, yet ordered.

    I came from the Community Pool, where you asked how to post in both Polish and English. I would suggest translating yourself. You could use a translation program like google translate, then tidy up the translation yourself.

    Have fun blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the words and suggestion… I thought more of some kind of plugin for wordpress, and also how to keep them, together like or maybe install sub-domain name for another version? Have fun also 🙂 Cheers


  2. Yes Clare, I might have to consider another blog in my own tongue… probably under different name, I will go with the flow as usual 🙂


  3. Hi Swav, An interesting painting…You mentioned in your post, that , after the first few stokes you saw a connection between your bird and the painting..pardon me, I’m not very good at interpreting abstract art, but are you trying to depict a colorful macaw ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great comment 🙂 I’m having a feeling that you see the bird on this canvas, which is the most in common with the area you live in.

      In Ireland we don’t have the colorful macaws yet, probably because of the difference in climate, but who knows it might change in the future. The one I mentioned about is one of the most popular early morning and evening singers in Europe, it’s Turdus Merula or Mr. Blackbird with bright golden-yellow bill and a neat yellow ring around the eye during spring and summer 😉

      His songs seem to be more spontaneous in the morning and more official ones at the evening time, it’s great, when you have the dinner ready on the table and he starts to sing, pure enjoyment…

      It could be my inner colorful macaw kind of bird as well, which flew through my inner garden onto the canvas 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Thank you Mamta, I believe that we all have many gifts and talents 😉 Sometimes we just need a spark of energy to bring them back to life again… Do you know what’s the plan for Writing 201, which will be available shortly ?


  5. The flow in this painting does remind me of flight ~ the blue above and green below and the freedom of flowing within Mother Nature. Beautiful piece of work Swav, the colors complement so well.


    1. the space between blue above and green below reminds me of the crossing point, which is the part of the journey through life experiences, to keep that centeredness while walking on earth, because grounding point is important, at least from my perspective, by saying that, I mean grounded to my own self…


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