The face of your heart

I’d like to welcome you in another part of storytelling with the mix of words, pictures and specific melody of the heart..

The voice of which, so many bloggers are looking for.. The sound of nature which heals with ease the wounds of broken heart or inner self.. The things you want to change in life, to let go or feel the moment of creation. To stop for a while and see the endless space within yourself.. your gut feeling or intuition. I doesn’t write about the typical things of physical aspect of life, but yet.. I’d love to touch the voice of my heart, to see the face of myself without the mirror.

Is there a face of your own heart? the picture of which the sound or melody of your own voice, inside yourself begins to flow, smoothly and effortlessly. Creating your best art, a poem.. original writing of start-up idea or even a business plan.. The way that makes you feel light, well grounded and steady.

And now..

You might even want to ask..

How could you feel so steady and grounded in this constantly moving and changing world of creation?

How can you be safe? or connected to the world outside and still.. have a feeling of your own self, your own sense of life.. the meaning of which is making your life available to you.. the play of life with the choice of standing tall, as the tree of life.. at your own space, looking at your own feet with pleasure.

Is the face of your heart connected to shape and sound or melody of your own voice..?

Keep the smile within until you see the smile outside of you..

~ Enjoy the first days of summer in Ireland, Swav @paintingsbyswav (twitter)


#Face #Voice #Heart

12 thoughts on “The face of your heart

  1. What a wonderful interpretation. Face of our heart…and how we still feel ourselves when we give our passion and heart away through art. Maybe it’s all about staying true to ourselves and what we believe in. Wishing you a good week ahead, Swav 💕

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    1. You are right Mabel and.. I have a feeling that there is something deeper.. something that connects all the dots on the other side of us and then we are able to create art.. to write a book or any other activity which sounds right at the centre of our selves.. I don’t know yet, but I feel this kind of space, especially when I paint with inspiration from within.. Have a wonderful week as well!

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    1. I do a short workshop presentation today.. and will cover interesting topic.. a pause.. between activity – and – non activity.. between mind – and – heart.. have a look on this painting below. it might help you realize deeper peace at your own way 🙂

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