Writing on the beach

The weather in Ireland is really getting better every day, so I won’t have explanation of my no assignments, while sitting on the beach in Bettystown, ready for a swim. I never thought that writing outdoor might be as much challenging as it is, at least for me. First of all my laptop seems to be overheating so, I’m well covered if I won’t publish it or even save the draft 🙂

The other thing is the screen… I know it’s not the latest model and with Microsoft system on it, but still does the job. Like my all previous HP’s I used to have before. No complaints about it. I’d love to hear about your equipment that you are using for sharing your thoughts and feelings, which flows by the wonderful content of your Blog.

Maybe… you can give me some advice or even a link, where I’ll be able to buy the laptop suitable for outdoor activities. Is there such of equipment recommended by the WordPress team ? I think it should be… Doesn’t have to be super, duper kind of thing or another version of the Apple, but really suitable for outdoor writers and optimised for blogging, with all the tools that makes the writer’s life much easier.

I know, I’m still a newbie in blogging, so out  there somewhere might be such a solution available already. If you know something about it, Please do not hesitate to share with me or send me link by email. The other thing that comes up to my mind now, is the subject of the ‘voice’ mentioned in Day Ten assignment. I spent some time over the weekend thinking about it. I read some articles while checking some Blogs as well. I figured out some stuff myself, but still need to clarify few bits and pieces.

As I know much better about my preference of time to write, which I mentioned in my previous post. I’m still thinking of what that voice might be. Is it connected to the niche of the Blog ? or a tribe, as mentioned by Jeff Goins in the concept of tribe writing. Is it that magical thing that catches the intention of the perfect reader and recipient of the content we share… or is more like another marketing and strategy positioning of the field we are in ?

I’m aware that I do have a lot of questions today instead of perfectly wrapped up specific content, but somehow…

I’m very curious abut it and ensured that we all will benefit from some explanations from the elders, here in Blogging University.

With love to write in the heart and sunny weather around… awaiting your reply 🙂 Swav

* This post is my Day Eleven assignment of Writing 101, Blogging University.

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