Irish Gift Ideas, Wild Goose available at Carraig Donn Stores

I don’t usually blog about gift ideas, but I bought today two gifts for a special occasion and… I have to say a few words about them, because I love them…

Wild Goose is the name of Irish brand that produce specific hand made gifts.

The idea behind design and craftsmanship of Wild Goose range of products is to celebrate popular Irish words on special occasions. Some of the gifts are available in a frame as the one below…


I’ve got them in one of Carraig Donn stores. They are perfect as a gift for a friend, especially the one who lives abroad… but I bought one for myself too 🙂

If you’d like to check out their website, go to Wild Goose Studio or Carraig Donn Stores… and now,

I’ll be back to painting 🙂


5 thoughts on “Irish Gift Ideas, Wild Goose available at Carraig Donn Stores

  1. Thanks for sharing this info! Plus, interesting photo with the shopping bag with the flowers and your painting nearby…very colorful!


    1. You must love them too 🙂 I will look after the comments later on… I hope that my laptop won’t reply three times 😉 Have a fantastic day and the following week…


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