Freestyle exercise of stretching the word: Myself and friend

Here are some explanations for the other bloggers from Blogging University. I’m looking at the assignments from the point of view of outsider, I mean non native English speaker and writer, so some of the tasks and challenges are basically out of my league, and probably that’s why I came upon something I can proceed with more easily to improve my writing skills. Every day during the week I’ll pick in random one of the following subjects as part of my assignments, and here is the list:

  1. Free flow writing
  2. Intuitive writing post
  3. Inspired writing about something that inspired me
  4. Play with words exercise, similar to free flow writing …
  5. Freestyle exercise of stretching the word, based on the opening of dictionary and start off with the first word that draws my attention, then adding another word to have more fun with it
  6. Day off, because of too many other activities or to simply enjoy the summer 😉

I’ve played tennis today with one of my friends for the last time, because his leaving the Country… With the leap of faith in his eyes, he’s ready to begin the next journey through life, to seek and find his promised land or the better future. He might end up in America as many other Irish before, but I simply have to accept it, as a real friend. We all have the moments of awakening or calling of the true self that says, come on, move, get up or go for it…

The friend term could also mean some sort of attitude toward myself. We as an adults are missing some important part of life, which is to buy ourselves more gifts. In the form of presents we’re also communicating with the deepest part of our whole being, by showing the direction of how we want to be spoiled… and I use this word specifically in the context of positive ongoing changes, not the sort of spoiled kids, that we can watch on MTV’s Sweet Sixteen episodes or so…

Since a couple of months, I took myself very deeply the words of some kid, I came across at the grocery shop about which I’ve mentioned before in my previous post… and since then I’ve noticed tremendous amount of positive changes… from the way I approach life, through many concepts of understanding my life better, and also to the deepest feeling of who I am.

It’s all started by buying myself more gifts of any kind, that I feel deeply in my heart and of course the ones I can afford it without breaking the bank. Since I look after myself the enjoyment of daily task activities went way up to the roof, compared to as it was before.

My attention to details improved which makes me smile, because I used to be The one, who’s very generic and with the big picture thinking habit, so I already stretched me, myself and I.

Stretching is not so easy exercise from the point of conditioning and execution of a new habit, which is about to be built and directed by myself also, but as long as I keep my willingness for change, it will pay off big time.

Me, myself and I as friend… already stretched 😉

Thank you for reading this.

* This post is my Day Nine assignment of Writing 101, Blogging University. Here are my other assignments:

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6, Day 7 (Mark, The Winemaker) writing in progress, Day 8Day 9, Day10

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